25 January, 2023

Enhance Balance and Contour Your Facial Features

Facial implants are a cosmetic treatment that balances the face. You can receive facial implants to enhance the chin, cheeks, jaws, or areas around the eyes to improve harmony and enhance contours. At Premier Center for Oral, Dental Implant & Facial Surgery, Dr. Garibyan and Dr. Kuang offer facial implants to suit your cosmetic goals. If you are unsatisfied with the size or shape of your chin, cheeks, or jaws, contact our office to see if facial implants are right for you.

What Are Facial Implants?

Facial implants are small devices that a surgeon inserts underneath the skin. They are made of silicon or another safe material. Patients choose to receive facial implants to enhance facial contours or to create more prominent chin or cheeks. Facial implants can also be a part of reconstructive surgery following facial trauma.

Facial implants and fillers are different. Fillers are a gel that gets injected into the face. Your body absorbs this gel over time, so you will need to repeat injectable fillers every few years or so to maintain results. Facial implants do not get absorbed by the body. While the process of receiving facial implants is slightly more invasive than injectable fillers, facial implants are permanent.

Types of Facial Implants We Offer

Our surgeons offer several types of facial implants and will work with you to determine the right type for your cosmetic goals. We can insert a single type of implant or multiple implants for more drastic changes.

Malar Implants

Malar implants are placed over the cheekbones to make the cheekbones more prominent. The loss of volume in the face, particularly the cheeks, is a natural part of the aging process. Patients who receive malar implants often seek a more youthful-looking appearance or wish to smooth out cheek wrinkles.

Chin Implants

Chin implants increase the size of the chin. This treatment is ideal for patients who have a small or recessed chin, or one that is not proportionate to the rest of the face. By making the chin more prominent, chin implants can also improve the jawline. Another option to improve chin definition is chin augmentation surgery.

Orbital Implants

Orbital implants are inserted less for cosmetic reasons and more for reconstructive purposes. These implants are placed around the orbital sockets to restore volume and structure around the eyes. Patients who experience facial trauma may receive these implants as part of their facial reconstructive treatment.

Facial Implant Procedure

Prior to receiving facial implants, you will meet with Dr. Garibyan or Dr. Kuang for a consultation appointment. We will talk about your goals for treatment and determine if facial implants are right for your needs. We will also discuss your anesthesia options. Some patients only require local anesthesia for chin implant surgery, while others desire more advanced anesthesia for their level of comfort or if the procedure is more complex.

For most chin or cheek surgeries, your surgeon will make an incision inside the mouth so there are no visible scars. Once the incision is made, your surgeon will carefully insert the implant under the skin and close the incision with sutures.

The results of your facial implant will be noticeable immediately, although keep in mind that swelling is expected. You will achieve the final results once swelling fully subsides and your face adjusts to the implants, which can take several months. The results from facial implant surgery are permanent and you will enjoy a lifelong boost in your self-confidence.

Facial Implants in Massachusetts

Our team at Premier Center for Oral, Dental Implant & Facial Surgery looks forward to helping you achieve all of your aesthetic goals. Our skilled, board-certified oral surgeons offer a variety of cosmetic procedures in the safety and comfort of our office. Contact us today if you wish to enhance your facial features and achieve results you will absolutely love!